Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dancing in Your Room...

Normal -The usual or expected state, form, amount, or degree.

That's the definition that I don't agree with.

Jahmal's Normal - What feels natural.

People alter their natural selves to fit into the first definition. They believe that the "norm" is the only way to go. Teens that don't fit the "norm" or the expected stereotypes of a teen are "weird". I've stated in the past that i am not normal by the first definition. I try to go with what feels natural, and it feels lovely. Sure, people like to pick fun at me because I'm the weird one. I don't fit in because i don't follow the stereotypes and that's what makes me good-old Jahmal. People love me because i don't fit in...because I'm not a stereotype...because I'm not "normal". I think that people should join the church of Jahmal's Normal. It feels a lot better and if you follow in my footsteps...you fit in! You fit in with the people that are proudly individual. Our church wears bright colors, dances to fast music in our rooms and stand out in a crowd of normal people. And it feels lovely.

I've said this before...I've pushed this point repeatedly. Don't be afraid to be the odd-ball. Don't be the one caught wearing what everyone else is wearing. Dance wildly in your room and speak up. The ones that stand out are the ones that make this world diverse and colorful. Pick a side...gray or neon. If you find a way to stay in the middle...let me know. I might try that on for size. Diversity makes the world a little less simple. Diversity makes everything better. Wear your individuality well. It makes you YOU! Honor your reflection by looking different from your neighbor.


  1. Normalcy is ever-changing. In fact, "normal" is just a parallel with whatever the recent fads are.
    And I definitely love you because talking to you is not the same as talking to any regular old person. It's actually... fun. :D

  2. its strange at this point, being "weird" is the new normal, in fact, going out of your way to be different has gotten so out of hand that it i making everyone run together. the only unique people are the ones who come to school wearing plaid pajamas, and not as a fashion attempt, because they just didnt feel like getting dressed. and jahmal, you arent weird, or an oddball, your ahead of the curve, and thus. unique.
