Monday, November 8, 2010

taking pride in you...

amour-propre - self love, respect and pride

Today I wrote something that I loved. I often enjoy things that I produce, but to day, in particular, I really enjoyed my short prose poem. Over the weekend, a series of play that young local writers had written, mine included, were performed by professionals. It was fantastic because we all have different styles and points of view. It makes the pieces individually beautiful and colorful. Needless to say, we were all very proud of our pieces. I friend of mine was struggling because an art project he had made was to be presented to a class of 30. It was a rattling thought, I'm sure. The idea of your work being judged by anyone is horrifying. But there's something to be said about being proud of yourself for the things you produce.

Here's what...Whether it's a play, a meal, a painting or a poem...It's something you put your energy into and for that you should be proud. Lots of people don't commit to doing things because they are afraid of being judged. If we all lived in that fear we wouldn't live as comfortably as we do. Ideas that have shaped our world would no longer exist. What kind of work would we live in if we were all afraid? Do it and take pride in your work. Your energy is worth it's weight in gold. Most of us are.

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