Saturday, August 1, 2009

short post....and how this affects the blog...

beginnings - The act or process of bringing or being brought into being; a start

This will be brief....

I will be doing a few short posts every so often when i feel as if my topic cant be expanded on without becoming redundant. Forgive me if you find this pointless. Sometimes thoughts race into my head and i have to write them out. Sometimes these thoughts are pointless and other times they can be...productive. In conclusion to this tiny bit here, i will do this sometimes. Don't be alarmed. Tell your friends....

I had a very stressful week. Some of my friends are having a few issues and came to me for some clarity. Sometimes, instead of removing issues from my friends, i adopt them. I stress myself out over a minor issue of my own. Then someone else has a problem and that becomes my newest problem. At this point in my life....i have a collection. The sad this is...I'm not the only one. My point is this - remember to breathe. Try not to adopt the problems of others if it isn't necessary. That isn't me being a hypocrite. That's just me trying to help as much as i can.

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