Tuesday, November 2, 2010

the baby, the Iphone, the sore throat...

dilliance - waste of time/hesitation

I've had a sore throat for a week today. Yeah...See my excuse is that I don't get sore throats so I don't know when they're usually over. It hurt to swallow and I'm gay...people and their jokes...Anyway, the first message is clear.

Readers...if something is bothering, physically, mentally or emotionally...don't wait for it to get worse before you get help. I'm praying that I don't have mono! But I'm healing sooo...not TOO bothered anymore.

There's a baby waiting to be sent in with his parents. He grabs his mothers iPhone and proceeds to turn it on, unlock it and turn on some music. What the he'll? is right, my dear reader. This is beyond me for sooo many reasons. But don't think that he's a future tech wiz...he spent the next 10 minutes dancing to his gurggles, running in circles, quite literally, and slapping two strange boys he didn't know.

Are we too tech friendly? Have we distilled iPods into our children before morals or vocabulary? That boy couldn't ever speak! But he could put on blink 182 in seconds. Is this the new world? Looks and sounds like something to think about. So ask yourself these questions and let me know.
beGolden and wonder...

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