Tuesday, January 12, 2010

...renew...the purpose of humanity

purpose - the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc.

I've been taught to practice daily....purpose. Though i have suffered with purpose for a very long time. It wasn't until recently that i realized what my purpose was. I'm here to teach, inspire, love, be loved, to leak creativity into my surroundings and absorbs all that is beautiful. Today, and every day, i practice these things. Through this blog. With my journal. With my friends. Then i thought about the purpose of others. Of humans in general. I realized something. Humans have a pattern, a constant in life, that inclines them to create, challenge and destroy. Every civilization has victimized or been a victim of others or nature. Is that our purpose, then? Are we meant to destroy and victimize? I we here to pain the earth and our brothers? I say no. I believe that we were placed here to love and create. Somehow, we've moved away from our original purpose. We're treading a dangerous road that will lead to more destruction. What will we tell our children when there is nothing left to hate?

This creation is about love and acting in the image of some creator. We were made in the image of our personal gods, beautiful and loving. So, create. Love. Be loved and spread beauty. Practice daily purpose, your purpose, our purpose. Try to act on this. If not for a future that you would want your children and your siblings to live in.
beGolden and live a purposeful life


  1. We each choose our own purpose. You have made a good choice and I think that it will lead to a rewarding life for you. We are social animals and we need close relationships with others. You will have those close relationships. You will give and get love, and that's what we all need

  2. <3
    good purpose...i think there are variations but generally, i hope our purpose has a positive backbone

  3. Heh, <3 was pretty much my reaction as well. ^^ that was very nice!

  4. i love to read your stuff jahmal!! <3 it's awesome!

  5. you know, there's pain everywhere, that's true. but life resides in the good parts. there are some pretty shitty periods where you're face down on the ground, or even some periods where you might accidentally knock someone else down with you... but life, life is learning that you can pull through the messes and build yourself up even through difficulty.

    of course there's a lot wrong with the world - but there's so much beauty, everywhere, in morning dew, fall leaves, snow... but people tend to get all wrapped up in the bitter cold and dirty slush and forget they need to go make a damn snowman and stop worrying for a change.

    we've made a lot of mistakes, but we are fundamentally, utterly, completely beautiful. it's easy to forget that. i'm glad that you haven't. <3
