Tuesday, January 19, 2010

for the have nots....

crisis - a condition of instability or danger, as in social, economic, political, or international affairs, leading to a decisive change...hopefully.

We take so much for granted. Americans live a VERY privileged life compared to other peoples in different countries. Most of us don't put enough energy towards those who don't have as much as us. We flip out when we don't have ipods or new clothes. Meanwhile, a child in some third world country is without food, warmth, shelter, clean water...The list goes on. Some people suffer daily. We, privileged Americans, go to therapists and doctors. Doctors are luxuries for some. Therapists are more than most get. We can be such pompous creatures. We pride ourselves on materials while others pride themselves on getting dinner for their children. Some pride themselves on living another day and still smiling. Some pride themselves on survival and sacrifice. Whats upsetting is that some of these very same people, the have-nots, live right down the street from us. Some of them live right around the corner. Some of them you see in school. Some of them you don't acknowledge. What of them?

We have grown too materialist..too oblivious...too content in our everyday lives. Others suffer daily and we don't even care as long as the phone is charged and the computer is working. A lot of people won't care as long as THEY have food and a place to live. Until it affects us...a lot of us wont care. Get active. Speak out. Stop being selfish and do something for those who have less than you. Its a hard world we live in. Its full of anger and pain...and some of us are living with it everyday. Some people feel it everyday. Some people are at the bottom and they know how it feels not to know where the next meal is coming from. If you're reading this, you're probably not starving. Try donating. Try giving back. We live lives of abundance...give a little. If you need more reason....know that it'll help out your karma.

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