Sunday, January 10, 2010

A short post...nature and observing its beauty

au natural - (get your mind out of the gutter!) in a natural state.

Emerson once birthed forth one of my FAVOURITE quotes EVER. "The world laughs in flowers..." After hearing heart stopped and my mind started running. What does this mean to you? To me...It means that everything that is beautiful is natural. It means that the world's beauty can be seen in flowers and nature in general! The world of things that inspire and captivate people. Everyone has seen something natural that was simply breathtaking. Here's my point....

The world DOES laugh in go and smell them. Experience and observe nature and its beauty. Feel the distinction between the trees and the flowers and the grass! Feel the sun and the moon and be thankful for both of them. Acknowledge the power of the wind and water and think about how messed up we'd be without either. Stop stepping on creepy as they are. Know that even the most UGLY things that are natural are still beautiful....even -shivers- spiders....The world is full of things that can knock you out of your go and look at it. GO EXPERIENCE AND LOVE IT! That's why it's here... : )