Tuesday, September 8, 2009

do right by others...karma and its cruelty

karma - the effects one's actions have on their surroundings, themselves and others.

I once had a friend who did something really mean to myself and another friend of mine. He said some very cruel things to the both of us. One day...he decided to lay his hands on my friend and we told an adult about this incident. Sadly, no consiquence came to this boy. This continued for a month or two. One day...that boy came down with a case of broken nose while talking about another person. As this boy was walking away from the scene of this hate crime...he slipped and his nose met the pavement. This poor boy's nose hasnt been the same since. This boy's injury may have just been a serious coincidence....or perhaps this boy used up his good karma and some higher power ruined his face. I believe in karma and its gifts and its cruelty. To us, that boys misfortune was a good thing. To him....not so much. There is nothing worse than cosmic missfortune. Had i wished this on the boy...that would have been bad karma on my part. Celebrating...also bad karma.

We all know what karma can do...you may not believe in it but a lot of people believe that everything happens for a reason. Try to keep your karma good and you'll receive gifts from the universe. Bad karma means negative energy. You dont have to be hindu to believe in reciprocity by the way. What goes around will always come around in some light. Keep a clean conscience through good karma. Prevent bad from coming to you through possitive actions. Keep this in mind!

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