Thursday, October 22, 2009

Drowning...Mute as a rock...

Unseen - Not directly evident; invisible

Unheard - Not heard

There are people in this world prefer to alone and unseen. They stay away from crowds and streetlights...and you will never hear the sounds of their voices. There are people like this that are suffering...Peers and friends of ours who are holding their issues inside. There emotional wounds are festering and stinging. There are people who hide behind bright grins in this world that haven't exposed their true feelings as of yet. The sensation of suffering in solitude is similar to that of drowning. You don't pursue help because you think that people should know that you're suffering and help you. They don't advertise their feelings because they think that no one cares about these feelings. Some of these people don't vent...and the burden become to heavy. Some people collapse under the weight of their problems and die in solitude. This is the truth...this is reality and it hurts.

We, as humans, can be selfish things. We can think only of our problems and issues and fail to acknowledge of many flaws in humanity. We have to learn to lend out shoulders to others. We have the strength to help and save a lot of people. There are people you know that are having a very hard time with life. Lend a ear...a shoulder...a hand to hold...something. Don't just let people drown. I know that what I've said is a little heavy but we really are more capable than we acknowledge. There is so much potential in all of us...Just give a little bit. It feels good and it could help...

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