Thursday, October 29, 2009

Turning pain...into gold...

Alchemy - The art and science of transmuting one thing into another.

I believe that man's greatest achievement was turning pain and chaos into harmony, life and beauty...the act of turning pain into gold. I stumbled upon a group on facebook. TWLOHA - to write love on her arms. It's a movement where people who have cut themselves in the past make a change in their lives. Instead of putting razor or knife to wrist....they put pen to arm. They write Love. It is a reminder that no matter how bad things are and will get, Love will always be with you. This is the most beautiful thing i have witnessed thus far. Some people will think to pity her and her scarlet wrists but i don't. She is still alive...She is still walking...She is still clinging to life. This group is for people who have found love and chose IT over pain, chaos, flaw and the knife. I don't pity the girl because i know that she is still moving and that is beautiful. Not poor. Shes living in spite of that! I don't know her but i know her story. She tattooed love on her arm so that she will always have it with her. She is thriving off of love and has the will to live because of it.She like many others, are the hope i have for existence. To live in spite of the flaw in creation and to even thrive off of hope and genuine love is a skill...a great talent that some aren't blessed to have. They should be applauded. Do you understand the beauty in this? It's a movement...people who have considered suicide and instead of cuts his/her wrists she writes love.

she writes love, people.

If you know someone who has chosen pain over love, enlighten them. Teach them how powerful love is and open their eyes to the beauty around them. Lend your kindness, energy, arms, shoulders and backs to people that you have the power to save. It would be like turning suffering into gold...Teach everyone you know To Write Love On Their Arms.
beGolden in spite of the chaos


  1. that is an amazing story.
    it is a beautiful way to try to fix a burning problem and is a huge step in the right direction for many people :)
