Thursday, October 1, 2009

Like butterflies…a love story without an ending

Infatuation – bone-crushing, almost obsessive feelings…

Word of the day – Love…
Word of the month – Love…

For all those unacquainted with true love, prepare to get a detailed description
For all those who are…prepare to reminisce on your love.

I have at last been touched with this deeply rooted love and it’s heavy and smells like sunset. I’m in love with him and grow weak when talking to him. You know you’re in love when the persons words can evoke more emotion than most others you have know. You know that you’re in love when the butterfly feeling is just faint enough to tickle your insides rather than stop you from functioning. (but they can get that bad, for the record) You know you’re in love when you miss this person when he/she’s too far away and you find yourself thinking about him/her uncontrollably. Perhaps that’s just me. But I feel like I need him like air sometimes. I feel as if I can turn to him when I’m upset and I enjoy his company, his spirit, his beauty, his creativity...I love him as a whole. But…did I mention that he’s gorgeous, smart and creative? I think about him when meditating on the silence around me. It appears that he exists in the corners of my mind sometimes. He’s there when I’m shutting everything else out. I love him because I know he’ll read this and blush. I love him because I know he might disagree with the things I love about him. I love him because I can learn from him and I feel as if he might learn from me. I’m infatuated with him…and I love that I can say this.

Love is a blessing. Feeling like this is a blessing. If you have never felt like this…I pray that when you do, you think of me. I love love! I’m convinced that you will, too. If you already know this feeling….you know how a simple first timer like me feels.


  1. Jahmal, Jahmal... oh lord, oh lord

    let me tell you a story.

    A man travels through life, a straight man mind you, and he finds at a very young age that he loves uncontrollably. It drips from him like honey from the swelling hives of his emotions. It is visible to all, especially those that look, but it is subtle, often unexplainable; for he himself is not sure the source of his lovely disposition. Yet its notes are plucked from the harp of his heart, that which has a thousand strings, extending infinitely in both octave directions. He longs to reach out and touch almost everyone, to tell him he loves them, for he does, but they would not understand. Often he finds himself debilitated, crouched in the most fetal of positions, because his love has consumed him.

    Then there comes a day when this man (who really is just a boy), sees this.... this.... this swelling of the heart in everything around him. In his music, in his artwork, in his friends, in his girl, and now Jahmal... in you. The timing and the coincidence of the universe is the most liberating miracle ever conceived and finally PERCEIVED by us.

    Thank you for being who you are and saying what you say at this time in my life.

    Marguerite, I just was graced with your presence, but I miss you more than ever

    OH wondrous people in my wondrous life
