Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dedication to the ignored....Lockers.

I haven't been keeping up continuity lately...some things have been troubling me but i know that they will soon pass. I understand that it isn't fair to my viewers not to see anything of me depending on my mood. So i am making a change. I wont be giving you a lecture every night through my posts but i will leave you something. I am as much of a poet and story teller as i am a blogger. My story teller and poetic abilities almost come out in my blogging. So i think that it'd be a little more fair to leave you with a little poetry or a story every now and then. Fair? Let me know.

This poem is dedicated to everyone that has been mistreated and abused in the "safe" walls of a school building. It goes out to everyone that has been hit, cursed out, made fun of, disrespected and/or ignored in the buildings that are supposed to be second safest in our lives. This poem is entitled Lockers and it most importantly goes out to everyone that has committed suicide due to said abuse.

I am there,
despite your lack of observation.
Passing shadows
only scare me a little.
Touch me not.
around my unknown existence.
Pass me by without acknowledgement.
I am painted into these tiles.
And when the young drag their
highlighters on the walls,
I scream.
Cause I am here.
I will stay here,
locked away in cemented flooring.
The children march over me,
And I wait,
for something

1 comment:

  1. it's strange, cos this poem illustrates perfectly how i used to feel. ignored, isolated, blah blah blah...
    you're a really really beautiful writer. i don't understand the lines about dragging highlighters on the walls?? oh well.
