Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Birds, Bees and other unrelated things....

Taboo - A ban or an inhibition resulting from social custom or emotional aversion.

I'm not going to give you the talk....I merely want to discuss something completely natural and yet hushed in society. Sexuality....Humans are one of the most sexual things on this earth. We have sex (as a race) just for the hell of it while animals have sex with the purpose of procreating. We have invented countless ways to do it...most inspired by animals. We have done things sexually (again, as a race) that no animal would even think to do. So here's a very bone-crushing question. Why can't we (as a race) talk about sex openly without feeling gross and uncomfortable? It's just baffling how we (as a race) can do all types of weird and "only human" things and not talk about it. Talking about sex with a friend can be as awkward as telling your mother that you killed a man? Why is it that we can't get over how natural sex is? We (as youth) have been brought up to think that discussing sex is inappropriate and disrespectful. So we move into adult hood thinking that other children shouldn't feel comfortable talking about sex. Its more inappropriate hushing a child that has a question about sexuality. I was under the impression that i could talk to my peers about sex....but apparently, some people my age haven't grown out of that phase of awkwardness. Am i right to find this strange?
How do you feel about it? Let me know.

In the mean time, i give you this. I believe that sex and sexuality is natural. People that don't shouldn't have it. If you cant talk about it...don't partake in it. Don't make it taboo if you aren't mature enough to discuss it yourself. Don't bash children for having questions, don't hate them for being curious. Try understanding..and look in the mirror.


  1. I toooootally agree with you, Jahmal! I always thought that adults put sex up on a pedestal as something that shouldn't be touched upon until you were of appropriate age but... How is that safe if you can't talk about it in the mean time?
    But this is a great point, haha. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

  2. I think this is a great point and totally accurate. Its better to talk about it and understand than to always be in the darkness. This doesn't mean that it still feels awkward to have that conversation for me sometimes, but this is just the way I have grown up--neither good nor bad, that is just the way it is.
    I'm not really sure what else to say...seeing as this is the internet :) but I definitely agree with you.

  3. My buddy Jahmal. i swear on my life that you are qona be famous for writtinq someday lOl. But you do have an excellent point. i have some friends who's parents strictly believe in abstinence but they dont understand that abstinence almost doesnt exist to today's youth...wellit doesnt seem like it, but if two teens decide to have sex knowinq that their parents believe in abstinence does that mean you shut those 2 teens out and make them feel like they are any less of a person because of it? i think NO. Not at all. It is a natural part of life and when you're ready for it, you're ready. Thats what i think.
