Monday, June 22, 2009


Euphoria - A feeling of great happiness or well-being.

I had a lovely day today. After finishing my last exam of the year i decided to do something with a couple friends. While my friends were still testing, i saw some lovely things around me. I saw old crushes and hugged people I've never hugged before. I saw a girl holding a stray kitten with mitten paws ^_^. I saw other really great friends. I saw the clouds move in front of the sun at the right time. A pause in the heat and then it came back win it was needed again. My friends finally arrived and we went to a museum only to find that it was closed. Its alright. We talked about sweet nothing for an hour and waited for our entourage to be complete. Last friend came and an old friend walked by. We discussed lunch like adults...choosing only the best place for it. We walked for a while and arrived at our new hangout. We entered only to hear a waiter tell us that we were expected. Bright smiles lit on our faces as we sat and discussed and ate and drank. We joked and grinned until the plates were empty. We left and stopped in a chocolate shop. Let the chocolate be digested. Shortly of our friends left. He departed with smiles and soft words. We continued to just be teens...joking about all the wrong things that felt right. We walked to familiar places to talk...still joking of course. The day couldn't have been better. Sadly, we had to split up once with two others while another sat on her stoop and waved us sweet goodbyes. We walked and talked words of wisdom and creativity back and forth...passing trees as old as they come. Then we arrived at my stop...a simple goodbye and a hug for two. I crossed a street slowly...and crashed. Not physically...not dramatically...just felt to euphoria slip from me.

When i get extremely euphoric and all i can do is smile, i sometimes witness myself slip into a temporary depression. It's gotten so bad that i cant remember the feelings of happiness i had once felt. When it's always a bit of a shock. I don't really know what to do with myself. POINT - Some people are like this all the time, and you might have the power to change that. I hope that most people would help a friend through depression just on instinct....but if there's someone else...why not help them too? The point of this post is building relationships with people and looking after each other. When i noticed myself slip from euphoria...i called a friend that i knew would help. Those bond are the ones that really matter...make a couple. It's just the right thing to do. Be a shoulder to lean on and you might just be set for life.


  1. BEST DAY EVER!!!!...that guy with the black pants...hahahaha...the dude on the bus hahaha...and that almond paste shtuff hahah...omg we must do it again sometime lol

  2. i loved talking to you. hope it helped :)

    and yes, it was amazing--i think i walked a total of like 4 miles--in flip feet hurt :)
