Monday, June 15, 2009

Bullet Trains and Such

masochism - A willingness or tendency to subject oneself to unpleasant or trying experiences.

High school has proven to be one of the most stressful times of my life. It's a time to find who you really are and grow as a person. Its a time to stray from the path that your parents have set for you in hopes that you'll discover who you want to be as an adult. For some...this is not an easy task. Correction - for MOST this is not an easy task. If you've managed to go through high school have some higher power on your side. Everyone feels the wrath of high school at one point or another. There is work and friends and a social life and relationships and peer pressure. It all comes at you like a bullet train and you either dodge it completely or stand and take it. Some take their own routes through high school. Teens have a tendency to to do that. Some go off and become one of the careless nice people. Some go off to be the mean people that attack the careless nice people. Some people just take the slow pony their whole way through high school, picking up new and destructive habits on their ride. Some people just breeze through high school, A+'s and all. Others stumble. Some people actually manage to go through their high school life trying all of these different things. I know a boy that used to go through high school as a target. He wanted to be befriended by the wrong people. He took their insults willingly and collected them in his mind. For just about three years of high school, he let people talk about him and hurt him just to feel a little accepted be these people. He had friends, good ones too. But somehow, he would forget about them in a second if his wannabe friends showed up. Now...he knows who his real friends are and though he takes a few steps back every once and a while, he's no longer a masochist. And it feels good.

A lesson for those who don't know this yet...
Know who your friends are. Don't suffer in the pursuit of the "cool" or "popular" kids. It just isn't honoring your reflection. Do right by yourself, if not anyone else. Finding yourself can be hard...but the reward at the end of that long dark tunnel is worth it. And you'll find that out if you haven't already.


  1. nice post, i like it
    it pretty much sums up high school right there

    ...and i should get credit for posting this on the blog itself as per directions :)

  2. Irony?
    I had a long discussion WITH A COLLEGE STUDENT about how much high school sucked.

    I remember overhearing chunks of this [and the most recent post] in conversation. :] Hmm.
    You have a rather deep blogging style. :P Mima enjoys, it makes her think more than AP does. <3

  3. Jahmal,
    I think I might just be commenting on each of these. I'm loving so far.

    You know who i am. xoxo
