Wednesday, June 17, 2009

dodging bullets...and other unfortunate things.

Fair - Consistent with rules, logic, or ethics...

Life isn't that definition up there. Its true and you know it. We all have had those days, weeks, months, years where we have been repeatedly slapped in the face with this truth. We move on and later...another slap. Life has guns of grief and we all wish that we could dodge bullets. Life is not pixel perfect. Life isn't sugary and sweet all the time. There's a lot to get pissed about in this reality. We all see it. It's every time you drop something tasty that you were eating. It's every time you were dumped and every time you burned something. It's every sucky experience you've had that you wanted to blame on a god that you probably don't even believe in. The fair life that you might see on t.v. or read in books doesn't exist. But there's a lovely thing about that. In spite of the fact that life can suck ass (for free might i add), there is a bright side. In every turn of fate, there is something to learn from it. Yeah, yeah...i know. That sounds like some bull because sometimes it doesn't appear that there's a lesson. Sometimes the lesson is simply that life isn't fair so you should stop crying and get used to it. If you look hard enough at every situation that you're in, there is definitely something to learn. It can be very complex and it might take you a while, but its there. If there wasn't a reason for everything then scientist would be out of a job. There's a lesson to be learned in every situation and some good to follow the learning of that lesson. You just have to open your eyes and be patient.

Take your time and take in the beauty of every moment...even the sucky moments. Take time to meditate about your day, see if there is anything to be learned or anything that could have been changed to make it better. Work on yourself and you'll see life ease by a little more. Life might even slap a little lighter. Learning to learn from your mistakes is bankable. That's the truth...


  1. I agree with you--once again.
    I love how a lot of the things that you write about are things that everyone thinks about a lot, or knows in their heart, but that you are able to put it so eloquently that when you read it something new gets pulled. I love the way you explain what everyone really already knows in a new way...or with better words or something...I don't know if I'm explaining myself very well, like you can, but I hope that you understand what I'm trying to say :)

  2. Thanks nahoma! I really appreciate it!
