Friday, September 17, 2010 it healthy?

productive -yielding favorable or useful result; constructive.

My grandfather taught me to play chess when I was young and I felt good enough because i could beat him if he was tired. I continued my life playing when asked to. I joined chess club at two different schools...I entered competitions...I met people through chess....yeah. I'm not all that good...Sometimes I'm alright and i can beat you if you let your guard down but it isn't my sport. I only continued to play it because my granddad taught me. I only played it because i was expected to continue. After being told that i sucked by many different people, I lost confidence and stopped playing besides short games with friends or family. Still, and even now, i felt as though I was groomed to be a great chess player and I was disappointing someone. My grandfather? My family? Then I got over it because I'm not that into my family. I'm not thrilled by the idea of altering myself or feeling bad because I'm not good at something i, actually, don't like to do...I only like watching and admiring chess. I enjoy the principle and the practice of chess but I, personally, don't like to play.

Here's what...Sometimes we do something because we think it's right to. Models starve themselves because they think that being thin is the way to go. Some straight men like football because they were groomed to like it by their dads and uncles and blah. But what does that matter if we don't like the practice we participate in? How could you possibly do something you don't like well?? If you know...let me know. In the mean time...Do what you enjoy doing. Don't do things strictly because you're expected to. Either find a way to enjoy it or just do what you enjoy and nothing else. Sometimes, you don't even have to apologize for that. Do you and that's that.

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